Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Getting Ready

"Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me."

School starts in a couple of weeks.
I can't believe summer break is almost over.
I am ready for some structure in our days, but not ready for early morning busses and late night homework.
I have gone out to several stores to gather up all the supplies on our children's lists. We will have 6 children going to school this year. That equals a lot of stuff. And every year I think - I'm going to shop early and have fun with each child. Never happens.

Cameron is more social now.
He smiles a lot, Coos, and sometimes lets out a little giggle.
He is so cute. So sweet.
I love how he grabs onto my hair and just holds on when I'm carrying him.
He is very much a Mommy's Boy.
This morning I had him on his tummy, on my chest. He was picking his head up and resting on his arms. Strong little man.
He was looking me right in the eyes and smiling. I think he was pretty proud of himself. Amazed that he could look around.

Tomorrow our oldest will get his school schedule.
I am curious to see when Driver's Ed is going to happen this year.
I am not looking forward to that at all.
I can't believe I will have a child old enough to drive a car.
And what to teach him on?
The 8 passenger van or the 12 passenger van.
Ha! Not the best choices.
I'll have one learning to drive while another one is learning to walk.

Eucharistic Adoration was last weekend. It was an all night one.
I loved it!
Cameron and I went at 11:15 pm and stayed for an hour.
It was a wonderful way to start a new day, a new week.
I loved that there was always at least a dozen people in the church.
I hope they do this again. It was so peaceful.
Cameron fell asleep while we were there and then I came home to a house full of sleeping children.
Tommy was "kind of" awake, so we spent a little quiet time together on the couch.
It was nice to have the peaceful feeling last.

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