Monday, May 30, 2011

16 Years

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Tom and I celebrated our 16th Wedding Anniversary this week.
It feels amazing that we've been married 16 years, until you add in the fact that we have (any day now) 8 children.

On Sunday I felt a little bit overwhelmed. Rushing to get everyone bathed and dressed for mass can do that, especially being so very pregnant!
Our oldest children ran into church to start setting up chairs because we were running a couple of minutes late and knew we wouldn't find a large pew for all of us to sit in. When I walked in, I was feeling a bit "on edge" and then I went to where our boys were setting up a row. There was another couple there and they had started to add chairs to our same row. Well, we can't really "share a row" so Tom smiled at them and said - We need to set up a lot of chairs. We have 9 in our family. The lady looked at her husband just as I was walking by her, looked at me (and my belly) and then looked back at her husband with a - dare I say -  disgusted look on her face and said "Nine???" We all started to sit down and then the couple just walked away. But unfortunately that comment was the last "straw" for my emotions that morning. I sat down and spent the first 10 minutes of mass crying.
You would think that I could feel comfortable and at peace in our church.
I am always surprised when I feel judged at church. Or made to feel like I am doing something "wrong."
I don't know why God chose us to have so many children. I don't feel that we are being irresponsible. We are just accepting what God wants from us. How can anyone look at our beautiful children and think or say something that basically means that they don't think this child deserved life? Who are they to think they know better? I know I am living as God wants. And I know our 7th (and our 8th) child is meant to be here as much as our 1st.

Ok enough of that :o) Sometimes it's nice to have a blog to vent on.

Tom and I had a very productive week. Tom took off from work and helped me get our home decluttered and cleaned. Love it! I feel much more relaxed looking around our home - if I don't focus on the walls that really need to be painted or the carpet that really needs to be replaced - someday.

Memorial Day.
Today was a nice day. We finished up a few other things, then allowed ourselves to enjoy the day with neighbors. It was beautiful outside! We hung up our flag, got the kiddie pool out, and grilled for dinner.
Tomorrow my hubby goes back to work until our baby is born.
I will miss having him at home with me, but we are very thankful for his job.
Kiddos have a few more days left of school.
They are really looking forward to summer break.
Me too.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

36 1/2 Weeks

"A baby is God's way of saying the world should go on."

Today is the day some say the world is supposed to end.
I personally believe what the Bible says, that none of us know when that time will be.

36 1/2 Weeks!
Some weeks and some days went by slowly, but the whole 9 months flew by.
I am still amazed that we are having another baby.
I don't think it is truly going to be a reality until I am holding this little one.
I went in for an NST this week. Baby wiggled around and cooperated, but the machine did not cooperate. It didn't record anything.
So we set up an ultrasound.
Tom couldn't get away from work, so I went alone.
I picked up our teenage son from school a couple hours early and let him babysit his siblings.
Ultrasound went well. Baby measured about 5 days "bigger" and the weight was estimated at 6 lbs 9 oz. I thought that sounded big, but the tech said it was average. Our babies have ranged from 4 lbs to 9 lbs, so I have no idea what to expect with this one.

I did get some exciting news from our 3 year old yesterday.
She has no interest in using the potty. She likes wearing diapers.
We have tried everything! Even agreeing to buy a toy while at the store if she would just try the potty. She always takes the toy out of the cart while we are checking out and says she decided she doesn't really want it.
But yesterday she told me that she is going to wear big girl pants when our new baby is born. I hope so. I don't want 3 in diapers.

Today is our nephew's Confirmation. Tom is his sponsor.
I am looking forward to spending the day with family.
Then Tom is taking all next week off to help me get our home in order and ready for another family member to join us.
There will be a lot of cleaning, organizing, and donating.
I'd do a garage sale to help raise money for our 3 sons to go to Tourettes Camp and for our 1 son's Church Mission Trip, but I just don't have the energy.
I do like that with donating our children learn to give to others.

And may my Uncle rest in peace. He passed away this week.
I am thankful that my father got to visit his brother and spend time with him a few days before.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rachel's 1st Holy Communion

"You have been a special blessing since the moment God brought you to us. You are a dream come true."

Our beautiful daughter Rachel received her First Holy Communion today.
I got very emotional. My eyes filled with tears when she came walking down the aisle in her beautiful white dress and veil.
It seems like only yesterday that we were carrying her down that same aisle in her beautiful white Baptismal gown and bonnet.
She looked wonderful and did a great job :o)
She really enjoyed her day.
When Tom and I walked up to take her to receive Communion, Rachel turned to me and said "I told him I have a crush on him." And smiled.
Yes, here our daughter was supposed to be focusing on our Lord and instead she was more focused on the boy from her class she has had a crush on all year long.
I smiled back at her and then turned her back around in time for her to bow and receive the Body of Christ.
After Communion, all the children went up front and sang a song. They sounded so sweet.
Then after mass, all the children went up front again so everyone could take pictures. I quickly went up front and snapped a few of Rachel, then I asked her which boy did she have a crush on. She pointed him out to me. I asked her if she wanted a picture with him. She smiled and nodded, but was too shy to go up to him. So I asked her what his name was and then I walked towards him and asked him (Jake) and his mother if I could get a picture with Rachel. I am happy to say that Jake's mom found it as adorable as I did that Rachel wanted a picture with her son. And Jake immediately walked up to Rachel ready for a photo.
Our daughter's first crush.
After "forcing" our other children to have a family picture taken, we headed home to enjoy the rest of the day with good food and family. My parents and my sister and her family were able to share this special day with us.
Today also happened to be the local high school's Prom. Our neighbor came down with her friends and had pictures taken with our daughters and a couple of other little girls that live on our street. (And our little boy Jakey too. He looked very handsome today in his white shirt and black vest.)
I love that we have such wonderful, sweet teenagers near us - who love to include our children in their special moments. Such great memories we will have through all of these photos.
Now it is time to get some sleep so I can hopefully be pampered tomorrow for Mothers Day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day

"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I can not change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me."

Wow! What a day!
Beatification of Pope John Paul II and now news that Osama has been killed.
This has been quite the week.
We had horrible tornado disasters, a beautiful fairy tale wedding, and now today.

Last night we had our priest over for dinner.
Our children really love having him here.
At the dinner table, Rachel kept telling everyone that Father (who she calls Buddy) would be serving himself first.
The boys got Father to play some video games with them and then the girls got out a pile of books to look at with him.
Leah even drew him a picture.
There were plenty of smiles and hugs.
By the end of the evening, even Jacob was hugging Father.
It was a good night.

May we all sleep well tonight. May there be peace.
Thoughts and prayers for those who were and are victims of 9/11.