Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tummy Bug

"The Family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal in in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together."

The Tummy-Bug has hit our home.
And can I just say - a child getting sick while climbing out of the top bunk is probably the toughest thing to clean. Ugh. At 10:30 pm Tom and I got a knock on our door from our son Noah. He was crying and saying he threw up. We got up. I went to take care of Noah in the bathroom while Tom went to get the sheets off his bed...Suddenly, Tom did not sound very thrilled.
Little did we know that our sweet son tried to get to the bathroom before getting sick on his bed. Poor guy - and poor mom and dad.
We had to get a screwdriver to take part of the bunks apart just to clean it up. And of course the drawer under the bunkbed was left open too. Top bunk, bottom bunk, drawer, ladder, carpet, sheets, stuffed animals,....
Thankfully, Jakey slept through it all. He was in his crib next to the bunkbed. But the other 2 boys got up and slept somewhere else. Turned out our oldest wasn't feeling well too.
After that huge mess we peeked in on our girlies. All 3 were sleeping in the same bed together in their room. One of the top bunks.
I climbed up and handed each girl to Tom. We decided to put them all together, comfortably on their floor - just in case.
So now a few more are feeling a little "not right" in the tummy. Poor Jakey has it, along with a fever. Not sure where the fever came from. He is very "mommy" right now and resting a lot. Keeping him hydrated with juicey and popsicles.

Last night was Eucharistic Adoration.
I went for the last 20 minutes and Benediction. I didn't want to leave Jakey until Tommy got home.
It was a nice half hour for me. I said lots of prayers for our children and this pregnancy. It's getting a little harder to walk around. I'm waiting for that "nesting" phase to start. My house could definitely use it! I'm trying to figure out if life is easier now while pregnant - or if it will be easier once our baby is born and I don't have this pregnant body.
And it never fails...when we are doing the Benediction, there are 4 lines that we repeat that are about Mother Mary. Everytime, I tell myself I am going to get through those lines without crying. I can't.

The weather was beautiful a few days ago and now it is freezing again.
I had all the outdoor-winter clothing washed and ready to be put away.
Now the coats are out again.
I did go buy a few summer dresses for our oldest daughter this weekend.
The day before, Tom and I took all 3 girls to the mall to buy Rachel's 1st Communion veil and shoes. At one store, the ladies that were working there were loving watching our 3 girls look through all the dresses and accessories. One lady made a comment about how we sure have our hands full. Then I said - especially when we have our 4 boys with us too. Gotta love how the eyes come popping out in surprise :o) But they were sweet. They asked about our boys and about our baby we're expecting. We told them we would definitely come back to look for a Christening dress or suit in a couple of months.
When we were done at that store, we made the "mistake" of walking to another store. We came across a shoe sale. Our girls were loving it! We agreed to buy them some church shoes to wear with their dresses this summer.
They bought matching shoes - but different colors. So cute.
A couple of weeks ago I bought their new swimsuits - all 3 bought the same suit. I love that they want to have the same as their sisters at this age.
Anyways, after buying shoes with all 3 - I decided to go buy the dresses alone. That was the only way I would stick to the amount I wanted to spend. And stick to buying them only for Rachel. Her sisters get her hand-me-down dresses. They don't mind, but Rachel gets sad to see her dresses too small for her now. It was nice to surprise her with a few new ones. She was very happy and grateful, which makes it all worth it.

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