Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can't Sleep

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."

Oh my goodness. I can not sleep!
Everyone else can because none of them are being kept awake by our baby...yet.
I am being kicked and nudged. I feel like our baby is going to bust right through my stomach. He or she is very wide awake.
Might have been the ice cream cone I just ate :o)

Our son Noah was going to bed tonight and walked by a pile of dolls our daughters left out.
He looked at me and said "Mom, do dolls ever freak you out?" I replied "Only when they sing to me."
Noah looked at me then smiled and laughed. He's fun.

He went back to school today after being home for 2 days with a stomach virus. He is only in 3rd grade. He has a ton of make-up homework! Poor guy.
We were up until 9:30 doing it. His teacher will allow for some of it to be turned in on Monday, but it is Easter. Would rather we spent the weekend celebrating God and family.
Noah has a few pages left. Hopefully he'll get it done tomorrow night.

We have Rachel's IEP meeting tomorrow morning. Maybe that's another reason I can't sleep. She is doing very well so they're thinking about dropping her IEP. I have mixed feelings. I love that she is doing well, but I also love that she gets the extra help I feel she needs. And I honestly do worry that she might end up having Tourettes and/or OCD. And we've learned from experience that it is very difficult to get an IEP back once you let it go.
I plan to go to the meeting with an open mind and a lot of questions.
Tom is going to do his best to be there too. This isn't a decision I want to make without him.

Well, baby has settled down. I should too.
I can't believe I only have 8 weeks left. Amazing how quickly it really goes.
Sarah is getting pretty excited. She keeps asking me if I'm going to go get our baby out soon.
Jakey puts his little hand on my stomach when I ask him where our baby is.
And Leah - in front of a bunch of strangers while we were out shopping - asked me how our baby got in my belly.
I just smiled and told her that God put our baby in my belly.
That was a good enough answer for a 5 year old.

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