Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Boys

"Don't just raise good boys, raise good men."

So this morning I was filling out forms online for our 3 oldest sons to go to Tourette Syndrome Camp this Summer. Jakey came up to me and started patting his tushy. I asked him, "Do you need a diaper?" And he said "Da," with a head nod. (Jakey doesn't really talk yet.) I told him just a moment while I finished up the page I was on.
Next thing I knew, Jacob was standing next to me with his pants and diaper off peeing on the floor. Nice.
I wasn't sure how to react at first. I didn't want to get mad because we have a 3 1/2 yr old daughter who refuses to use the potty and here I just might have a 1 1/2 yr old who is ready. So I gently took his hand and walked him to our bathroom to show him the potty seat. I don't know if he understood, but I know for a fact he is a very smart little boy who does understand more than we think. Ok, so he still eats crayons and bites the erasers off pencils, but if I ask for something, he is usually the first to respond.
For instance, when I ask if someone can feed our dog - you see this little blur of a boy running through the kitchen to get to the dog's food dish first. He loves to feed our pets. And if I ask if anyone has seen a cup or a certain shoe or the tv remote - Jakey is the first to run and get it or point it out.
The other day he found an old baby bottle. He took off the top, ran to the refrigerator, filled the bottle up with water, put the top back on, then went to "feed" it to his sister's doll. Very observant little boy.

Now if I could just get our older sons to want to pitch in.
You know how they sometimes make men wear "pregnant bellies" to see how hard it is for women to move around when they're pregnant? I think they should make them for children too. I would like my older children to see how hard it is for me to bend down to pick up toys, shoes, dirty clothes and towels.
They do help with our younger children and they do offer to make me tea when they see I am having a "moment." Maybe it's the nesting phase and I am focusing more on what our home looks like right now. We don't have a lot of time left to prepare for a little one again.
Still amazing every time I feel this one move around.
Amazing that we are so blessed.

Noah's quote for this week.
Noah was telling me how there was a little girl bossing him around and he didn't like it.
I said "Noah, you do know that girls are the bosses of boys."
He looked at me and said
"No! Girls are not the bosses of boys!" Pause. "Not until they get married."
I am raising a good man :o)

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