Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Small Vent

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

First I will have a small vent.
The other night my husband and I watched the Best Commercials of 2011 on TBS.
We wanted to watch something with humor.
It was ok.
The last commercial was about cats with thumbs.
Our oldest came downstairs and caught the last commercial with us.
We enjoyed the cats because we have had (and still have) cats
with "thumbs."
Anyways, then the host came on and said "You know what's scarier than cats with thumbs? Cats with Tourettes." Then he started cussing (it was bleeped out of course.) But you could clearly tell the "f" word was being yelled.
That was a huge mood breaker.
Why do people think that is funny? It's not. Tourettes is real. Swearing is not always part of Tourettes, but it was with our oldest and it is with our 3rd son.
There is also a book on Amazon that is called Pets with Tourettes. It's a bunch of photos of animals cursing. How is that acceptable?

Ok. Done.

Our kiddos are on break from school for 2 weeks. Love it!
Today we are just taking it easy.
Everyone is playing nicely together while Cam and I hang out in my bed.
Cam didn't want to sleep last night. We were up until 2:00am, so this is nice.
I bought huge gingerbread men cookies and stuff to decorate them.
That is our only plans today.

Only 4 days until Christmas!

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