Wednesday, November 16, 2011


"Children may not always seem to be listening, but they are almost always watching. Be kind."

So the other day Jacob points at my tummy and says "Baby."
Later that same day Sarah asks me when I'm having my next baby.
And to top it off, our dog kept following me around - which he does when I'm pregnant. (It's kind of sweet.)
But what does this mean? It certainly had me wondering about our family's future.

Tom and I have chosen to accept all children God has planned for us.
I know I have enough love and care.
And I am to the point where my faith is bigger than my fear -
fear of having enough space and money.

I truly feel our children are blessings.
Each one just feels "right." Like my heart has known them forever.

True. We are a big number.
We have had to accept that we aren't going to be included in some things.
We don't get invited to parties like we used to.
We can't afford to go out and do certain activities anymore.

I do catch myself feeling sad when I know we've been left out.
But our children are worth every penny.
Our children appreciate each other and have fun together.
Their bedrooms are crowded, but they are only for sleeping and keeping clothes in.
When they are laughing and playing, my soul just smiles.
I say "thank you" to God and I feel Him smile down on me - like He is saying "thank you" to me for taking care of His children.
He has given me a very important job. I am going to do it well.

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