Friday, October 7, 2011

T is for Tooth

"What we remember from childhood, we remember forever."

Our daughter Leah is 5 and she is in Kindergarten.
This week she lost her first tooth!
She was a little scared last week when she realized her tooth was loose.
It was her bottom left tooth and eating was getting a little more difficult the other night. She kept crying that it hurt to eat with her loose tooth.
Then she went upstairs to brush her teeth. While brushing, she kept whining that her tooth hurt. Her whine suddenly turned to crying and a slight scream.
I ran upstairs to find Leah in the bathroom with Tom and a couple of siblings looking at Leah's tooth on the bathroom counter and a sink with a little bit of blood in it. Leah looked shocked and she was scared because of the blood. We told her it was fine and then we got a big smile from her as we reminded her that the Tooth Fairy would be visiting her for the first time!
The Tooth Fairy did come that night and left Leah some money and glitter for her tooth.
Which leads me to a little bit of "funny" from Leah...
Leah enjoys going to school.
Right now she is learning to read and is very excited about it.
The other day we were playing a game as part of her homework.
It was a board game. I showed her different letters and she had to find the object on the board that started with that letter.
I held up a "T" and asked Leah what the letter was.
She looked at it and knew it was a "T" but wasn't sure which picture on the board started with that letter.
The picture on the board for the letter "T" was a "Tooth."
I gave Leah a hint.
I said, "Leah. What did you just lose?"
Leah paused for just a quick moment then replied, "My mind?"

Ha! Ha! I got a huge kick out of that answer!
I don't know why she would even think of that as an answer :o) Hmmm.....

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