Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rachel's 1st Holy Communion

"You have been a special blessing since the moment God brought you to us. You are a dream come true."

Our beautiful daughter Rachel received her First Holy Communion today.
I got very emotional. My eyes filled with tears when she came walking down the aisle in her beautiful white dress and veil.
It seems like only yesterday that we were carrying her down that same aisle in her beautiful white Baptismal gown and bonnet.
She looked wonderful and did a great job :o)
She really enjoyed her day.
When Tom and I walked up to take her to receive Communion, Rachel turned to me and said "I told him I have a crush on him." And smiled.
Yes, here our daughter was supposed to be focusing on our Lord and instead she was more focused on the boy from her class she has had a crush on all year long.
I smiled back at her and then turned her back around in time for her to bow and receive the Body of Christ.
After Communion, all the children went up front and sang a song. They sounded so sweet.
Then after mass, all the children went up front again so everyone could take pictures. I quickly went up front and snapped a few of Rachel, then I asked her which boy did she have a crush on. She pointed him out to me. I asked her if she wanted a picture with him. She smiled and nodded, but was too shy to go up to him. So I asked her what his name was and then I walked towards him and asked him (Jake) and his mother if I could get a picture with Rachel. I am happy to say that Jake's mom found it as adorable as I did that Rachel wanted a picture with her son. And Jake immediately walked up to Rachel ready for a photo.
Our daughter's first crush.
After "forcing" our other children to have a family picture taken, we headed home to enjoy the rest of the day with good food and family. My parents and my sister and her family were able to share this special day with us.
Today also happened to be the local high school's Prom. Our neighbor came down with her friends and had pictures taken with our daughters and a couple of other little girls that live on our street. (And our little boy Jakey too. He looked very handsome today in his white shirt and black vest.)
I love that we have such wonderful, sweet teenagers near us - who love to include our children in their special moments. Such great memories we will have through all of these photos.
Now it is time to get some sleep so I can hopefully be pampered tomorrow for Mothers Day.

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