Thursday, September 2, 2010

Get going!

"To get something you never had, you need to do something you never did."

Has anyone noticed the date today? It's 90210 day :o)
It's also - get going day! Today I am cleaning out the closets. What a job! And now that I have started it, I can't quit. Right now you can't even walk into our boys' room. I am waiting for my 2 youngest ones to take their naps so I can get back to work. 1 down, 1 to go. Trying to fit 3 girls into one room is not too bad. Trying to fit clothes for 3 girls into one closet - nearly impossible! The boys are even tighter. 4 boys in one room. They don't seem to mind. I am just tired of trying to fit baby Jakey's clothes in there. We could turn our loft into a bedroom, but our children said they don't want to. The loft is their hang-out room. Their bedrooms are just for sleeping. We did find the most awesome beds for them. Our girls and our boys have bunkbeds w/loft bed. Three beds that take up only 1 bed space on the floor.
With school starting and 5 children gone most of the day, I am also trying to do some things for myself (during nap time of course.) Crazy right? I am trying to convince myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to. I am really good at giving the motivational speeches to my children - to my husband too. Why is it so hard for me to listen to myself? Maybe I should record my voice - or look into a mirror. Remember that character from SNL that used to do that? Ha! I have a picture of me from my wedding day where I am looking into the mirror. We had a good laugh when I started quoting the SNL character: "I am good enough and people like me."
Lots of decisions being made around our home. Lots of prayers. I need to feel very comfortable with any decision I make. I don't like to force things to happen - still trying to figure out if that is a good thing or if that's how I allow myself to stay in my comfort zone.
Gotta get going! Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

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