Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost Spring

"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."

Spring is so close! I can't wait for warmer weather. I love sitting outside with my neighbor-friends, letting our kids run around and play, and not having to bundle everyone up - especially that! Bicycles, skateboards, and kiddie pools. I am really looking forward to having Jacob outside in the fresh air and sunshine with his little t-shirts on and his toes in the grass.
Jacob started cereal and bananas! Woo Hoo! He loves it - I knew he would. I got him a sippy cup too. I put juicey in it this morning and handed it to him on the floor. He grabbed the cup, rolled onto his back, and started drinking. He's so smart :o)
Tommy took last week off of work to do some work around our home. He took the carpet out of the 2 bathrooms upstairs. I never really understood carpet in a bathroom. We picked out some tile and Tommy's been working really hard to put it in. It looks beautiful. That man is very talented! Now we're going to paint our bathroom and bedroom - we've been in our home for over 8 years and our room has never been painted. We just got curtains up in it last year. We keep having to redo our children's rooms so we haven't had time for ours. I am looking forward to it all being done. I'm tired of sharing one shower and one toilet with 8 people! (Jacob wears diapers and uses the sink for his bath.) Tom is also working on putting trim around our back sliding door. It's only been around 17 months since he replaced the door. There is a lot of paint to touch up around here too.
On Tom's last day off, he took the boys to the movies. Brandon had been wanting to go see The Lightning Thief. It's been out for awhile, so there were only 3 other people in the theater. With Brandon's tics really "acting up" lately, this was a good thing. He could enjoy the movie and not worry about anyone being right next to him that would be bothered by his tics. Our girls and I (and Jakey) stayed home and played around with making hair ribbons and tutus. It was fun. (Maybe not so much for Jakey.) I just need a better work area. Maybe someday.
Tom and I also went for our annual physicals. So far so good. I had one test come back questionable so they're going to repeat it in 6 weeks. Hopefully everything is fine. I certainly can't let myself worry about it. I'll go crazy. I went to EA last night and prayed about it. That's really all I can do right now.
Jakey had his 6 month pictures done. He did really well. He loved the lady photographer's bracelet. He got very excited whenever he saw it and especially happy when she would get close enough for him to grab it. I spent quite a bit on these pictures - too many good ones. He's adorable.
I have two little ones napping, one watching a movie, one that just got home, and three that will be getting home soon. I need to get back to the laundry. I let myself slip a little and Ethan couldn't find any pants this morning. By the time I get laundry done around here and put away, the hampers are over-flowing with dirty clothes again. I'm not sure how to solve this problem. Another reason why it'll be nice to have warmer weather back. Spring dresses and t-shirts with shorts. Even better - in the summer, our children hang out in their jammies and swimsuits.

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