Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby Update

"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

Tom went with me to my NST and appointment this morning. NST looked great - once they gave me a brownie to eat. Yum. Then the doctor checked to see if there was anything going on and I was 3 cm! So excited! I started clapping, which Tom thought was kind of a weird visual :o) So now we are waiting to see if I go on my own tonight, otherwise we will check into the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:30 to help get this labor going. I am very excited, but also a bit nervous. All of a sudden I don't feel prepared enough.
Tom went back to work and I went shopping with my dad this afternoon. I bought a few more things for school - lunch and snack items. Came home and found all the lunchboxes and labeled them with their names. I am now giving the girls a bath (boys can bathe themselves) and we're going to pick out our "1st Day of School" outfits to help make Thursday and Friday morning a little easier for their daddy.
Friday is Leah's very first day of school and I was hoping to be home to get her on the bus, but I won't be coming home until later that day. My doctor said he could send me home Thursday night if baby and I are healthy, but I told him no. I want my 2 days. Tom can handle it and can take lots of pictures. I'm not trying to be selfish, I just like to have those 2 days to bond with our new baby and I think it's safer to let us be observed for at least 48 hours. (Especially if this is a boy and he has a "c" the next day.)
The laptop will be staying home, so I'll have to add a post when I get home. I want to focus on baby - plus, we'll be busy I'm sure. I'm hoping Tom will bring all the siblings to visit tomorrow night. He usually does. You can hear them coming down the hall at the hospital :o)
My mom will be staying the night at our home tonight so we can either sneak out in the middle of the night if we need to or get up and leave bright and early. I hope I can get some sleep tonight.
Oh...there go those butterflies again - or maybe that's just baby :o) LOL All will be ok.

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