Monday, August 10, 2009

39 Weeks

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

I am 39 weeks today. After having Sarah at 33 weeks, I really didn't think I'd get this far with this one. Baby is comfortable - wish Mommy was too. It's getting pretty crowded in there. It's kind of sad when your maternity clothes are really snug fitting. On Friday night the contractions were coming every 7 minutes. Tom was picking up pizza for dinner on his way home from work and I was calling him feeling a little scared that I needed to get to the hospital soon, then the contractions just stopped. I will go in for another NST and check tomorrow morning.
Yesterday was a wonderful family day. Went to mass in the morning (Donut day - always a great way to start.) then went to the IL Tourette Syndrome Association picnic. It was 90+ degrees, but we stayed in the shade and had a terrific time. We met some people that live near us, including one of the original women to start the Association in IL. We talked to her about our positive experiences with a couple of Brandon's teachers - esp. his 7th grade teacher. She has worked with Brandon to educate other students and teachers. This lady thought Tom and I should think about starting a support group for other families in our area. After we get settled with our newest family member, we will have to seriously think about it. Tom and I wanted to find a support group when Brandon was first diagnosed, but there wasn't one close enough to our home. We went to one, but it was kind of a far drive - children couldn't come - and there was a lot of negative stories being told. Tom and I were the only ones who were not angry and upset. I kind of felt bad, but also very blessed. We didn't go back to that group after that first night. I would like to have a group that included all family members and that had some positive stories / helpful advice that would help families to have positive stories. Back to the picnic -- Yummy food, funny magician, amazing balloon man, and fun activities and prizes. The magician liked having Noah as his "helper" and he was making funny comments to Rachel. Every child at the picnic won a prize too. We came home with a box full of beanie babies, hair clips, videos, games, books,...Ethan won a year of bagels and Brandon won a certificate to a hot dog restaurant.
After the picnic we used the Family Fun Bowling Package we won last year. Our children had a lot of fun and I was happy to be in the air conditioning. We then went to use Brandon's certificate and bought hot dogs for everyone. We found a nearby park and had our own little picnic. It was a lot cooler outside, so our kids got to run around and play this time. I sat with my camera and got some great pictures of Tom and our children playing. I think we all needed a day full of fun and fresh air.
Leah and Sarah are napping now. (Sarah is on my "lap.") I should really be doing the same thing. Hopefully my doctor gives me some encouraging news tomorrow.

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