Saturday, June 25, 2011


"You are my sunshine."

I love how your little hand grabs at my shirt,
grabs at my hair.
I love that your little bitty foot fits in the palm of my hand.
I love how you peek at me while resting in my arms.
The little smile that appears for a moment as you're dreaming.
Your little bald head is so soft and sweet smelling.
You squirm in your cradle and are easily comforted when I pick you up.
I love when you snuggle your little face into my neck.
Perfect little nose.
Perfect little lips.
Amazing, perfect little hands.
Eyes that search for the people around you who love you the most.
Who knew I could love 8 little people so much?

Yesterday I took Cameron to the eye doctor again.
One cyst looks like it might be getting bigger, but CJ's sight still does not appear to be blocked by it.
I took 3 of our other boys along too. Their eyes are fine.
The waiting room was crowded.
There was a sweet "older" lady trying to get my Jacob to smile at her.
She asked the boys if they were all brothers. We said "Yes, they are all brothers."
She looked at me and jokingly asked where my girl was.
I said "My 3 girls are at home with my 5th boy."
There was such a gasp in the room from the people sitting around us.
The room was crowded, but we were the only ones talking.
The lady gave us a big smile. She loved that I had 8 children.
That was my experience at church last week too. We went to Saturday night's mass. There were many "older" people there. After mass, many people came up to see our baby. When I told them he's our 8th, I got smiles and heard many of their stories of growing up in a big family.
One gentleman was the oldest of 10. He told me how strict his father was with him and not so much with his younger siblings. I said my oldest probably feels that way sometimes too.

So I am doing ok driving our "monster van."
Still very nervous in parking lots, but I am being a big girl about it!
It will be nice to go places this weekend as a famiy in 1 vehicle.
Tom is outside right now putting a DVD player and back-up camera in our new van. Got to make it more family-friendly.
The one annoying thing - our auto insurance wouldn't cover our new van.
They don't see it as a family vehicle.
They only see it as a rental or industrial vehicle.
So we had to quickly find new insurance. Not something we were expecting.
We're taking all of our needs away from this particular company. Annoying.

Oh well. Time to get going and enjoy the day. It is beautiful.

Jakey & CJ meeting each other.

Monday, June 20, 2011

10 days old

"Every tomorrow has two handles.
We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith."

Cameron is 10 days old.
He is a very good baby. He wakes up every couple of hours to eat, but then goes right back to sleep.
He is very cuddley. Loves to be held - and goodness knows he gets a lot of that in this home. The girls are always running into the bathroom to wash their hands then they run up to me with their arms stretched out to hold Cam.
Jakey sits next to me and pats his lap to say "put him right here." It's the cutest thing. And our older boys are always coming up and saying "Hey CJ!" and giving him a kiss on the top of his head. I love how Cameron is just one of the family now.
The biggest change - and I mean biggest - is our new family vehicle.
I gave in and we got a 12-passenger van.
Though I should say that Tommy gave in too. He was very kind to me and gave up his car instead of trading in our mini-van. In the end, it just made more sense. His car had lots of miles and was due for some expensive maintenance. And if we wanted to go somewhere with more than 2 younger children, we'd have to take the monster van.
So we are a 2 van family now. No more even trying to look "cool."

There is one concern with Cameron.
The moment he was born, I saw something in his eyes.
I tried to point it out to the doctors right then, but no one else could see it.
The next day when the pediatrician came in, I told her and kind of begged for an eye doctor to come look at Cam. I explained that I had worried about his eyes all night and needed someone to tell me what I was seeing.
A very kind eye doctor from the hospital came in that afternoon.
Cameron has cysts in his eyes. 3 in one eye and 6 in the other.
It is rare to have so many.
So far, it seems as though Cameron can still see with both of his eyes.
His eyes look very healthy.
We took Cam and our oldest, Brandon to the doctor last week when Cam was 1 week old. I had mentioned to the eye doctor that I saw something on Brandon's eye when he was a baby, but no one else saw it. She wanted to look. And yes, Brandon has one.
The good thing is, it's never caused him any problems. It's never grown.
She looked at my eyes and Tom's eyes. Nothing was seen on me, but she saw something on Tom that might have been one that "broke loose" at some point.
She said that she read that it can be hereditary and is mainly in males.
I believe this eye doctor is learning right along with us. Everything she was telling us was something she had found on the internet.
So we will continue to watch Cam's eyes and to pray that these cysts don't cause him any problems. We would love if they would shrink and/or go away on their own. This week I am taking Cameron in again and bringing along our other 3 sons. The eye doctor is curious to see if they have any cysts too.
Otherwise, all is fine. And we have faith that all will continue to be fine.

Today Tommy went back to work and my parents are going back to their home.
Right now it is storming outside and it is peaceful inside.
Jacob is alseep next to me in my bed.
Cameron is on the other side of me in his cradle - starting to stir a little.
Let the day begin.
The "Sherman8ors"

Monday, June 13, 2011

Baby Cameron James

My day old child lay in my arms with my lips pressed against his ear.
I whispered softly, "How I wish, I wish that you could hear.
 I've a hundred things to say (a tiny cough and nod.)
 Hurry, hurry, hurry and grow so I can teach you about God!"
 My day old child was still and my words only tickled his ear,
but a kind of light passed through his eyes, and I saw this thought appear.
"How I wish I had a voice and words, I've a hundred things to say.
Before I forget, I'd tell you about God, I left Him yesterday..."

Mommy & Cameron ready to go home from the hospital.

Our family has been blessed with the birth of
Cameron James
Born on June 10, 2011 at 1:39pm
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
Length: 19 1/2 inches

Tom and I went to the hospital at 7:15 am on Friday.
The nurses got me all set up then my doctor came in to check me.
The funny thing was, when my doctor walked in Tom and I were both on our phones texting family and friends. We did a lot of texting and facebooking during this birth :o) It made the time go by quicker and there was a bet that included the naming of our child that was making us laugh and smile.
(Thank goodness Tommy won the bet!)
Anyways, so I was checked and told I was almost 4 cm and baby was down. My doctor broke my water and gave the go ahead to start the pitocin.
We started slowly.
I had a really big contraction and decided that I didn't want to wait too long for the epidural. My nurse called the anesthesiologist and was told that it would be about 30 minutes before he would be done in the OR.
I could handle this. I actually wanted to feel a few contractions because I knew that was what was going to get our baby moving.
When the anesthesiologist came to my room, Tommy had to leave. They don't allow fathers to stay in the room, so it was a good time for Tom to go get something for breakfast.
This doctor was wonderful! He loved that this was our 8th child. He wanted to know how we get our kids to do chores and just what it was like to have so many children. He was very kind and chatty - put me at ease.
After the epidural was in place, Tom came back in. We thought I would go quickly, but the next time I was checked - no change.
Then my nurse put the catheter in (since I couldn't get up anymore) and she said that I was so full that that was probably stopping baby from moving down further.
Around 1:15 I was checked and was only at 5 cm. I was frustrated.
Plus, the epidural was not working on the bottom half of my tummy area. I started feeling the contractions again. The anesthesiologist came back in to up the dose. It was a little better, but I still knew when I was having a contraction. The doctor and nurse both told Tom he should go get something to eat before the cafeteria stopped serving food. I told Tom to go ahead.
Jokingly I said it would probably get the labor going.
But then seriously I said it was a good time for him to eat. I was only 5 cm and had been dialating very slowly.
Dr. left the room, Tom left the room, then my nurse left telling me to call her if I felt pressure. Soon there was another contraction.
This one hurt! I put my face into my pillow and cried. When it was over, I pushed my epidural button to get more medicine. Then another contraction came and again I cried into my pillow. When that one was over I pushed the button and cried into the intercom that my epidural was not working at all. My nurse came in right away to find me crying through another. She was very surprised! Probably because Tom and I had been joking around with her and the doctors all day. I had been smiling and laughing and everything had been easy-going.
Not anymore.
She said she would call the anesthesiologist, but wanted to check me first.
She was checking me then asked (with a little bit of panic in her voice) "Does Tom have his phone? You are ready and baby is right there!"
I grabbed my phone to text Tom while the nurse called my OB.
At 1:30 I texted Tom to come to our room now!
At 1:31 Tom texted he was on his way!
He had just gotten his sandwich. He had taken a couple of bites then threw it away as he rushed to our room.
I did my best to get through a couple more contractions. Soon Tom was rushing in and then I heard a different OB come in.
The practice I go to has 2 doctors. This was the other doctor. The one I was expecting and had been seeing all day was "stuck" in the OR with this doctor, but this one was able to leave. I didn't really care. Both are great doctors and I have delivered babies with both of them before.
Tom came up to me and was trying to help me calm down. He was smiling at me and telling me to breathe and that it was going to be ok.
Doctor told me to push with the next contraction and out came our baby's little head. I was told to give another easy push and out came the rest of our baby.
I remember being in incredible pain, but also being excited to find out if our baby was a boy or a girl. That is honestly what gave me the energy to push.
Soon I heard "It's a boy!" come from Tommy.
I looked and saw our beautiful blonde (& some red hair too) son.
He came out screaming! He came out hungry!

We are now home and Cameron has been given lots of attention and love. I think Jacob thinks we had Cameron just for him. He wants to hold him all the time. He pushes his older brothers and sisters away from Cameron when he is holding him.
He'll even just sit next to his baby brother with his arm around him. Jakey can't get enough of Cam.
Cameron fits right in.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Here We Go

"I say to my child, I will explain to you as much of life as I can, but you must remember that there is a part of life for which you are the explanation."

Went to my appointment yesterday. Tommy was able to come with me.
Had an NST first. Baby only moved when I poked him/her, but looked good. Had a contraction during the test and baby handled it very well.
After the test, doctor came in and said "Only 1 more week!" And I replied with a frustrated "Another week?" He said "Doesn't sound like that was what you wanted to hear." I told him "No. You were supposed to come in and tell me I am 4 cm - let's pick a day." So then he checked and told me "You win." I was 3 cm so we checked his schedule and we're going in Friday morning at 7:15. Perfect.
Tom hasn't been able to concentrate at work and I have sat at home very nervous many evenings. This way we won't have to rush to find someone to watch our other 7 children and rush to get to the hospital at a moment's notice.
8th baby - expecting things to move along quickly.
Tom's mom will come up and watch our other children when we leave for the hospital and my parents will be coming into town later that day.
A few days ago I was a little sad to think of not having my belly anymore, but there really isn't any room left in me. I have little feet crammed into my ribs. Very uncomfortable.
Plus, I really want to know if we have another son or daughter.
Terrible storms last night - glad I didn't go into labor.
Now we just have to get through today and all can go as planned.
Praying for a healthy delivery - healthy mommy & baby.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

39 Weeks Tomorrow

"When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world."

Yesterday and today have been HOT! Temperatures in the 90's.
Kind of miserable. Not fun when you are pregnant, so I've tried to stay inside.
We did have a very nice weekend.
Saturday was Tom's birthday. We went out to dinner the night before. His mom came over to babysit - then ended up spending the night because contractions were coming, but they never got very regular.
Saturday morning I finally got to give Tom his gift that I had had hidden in the boys' bedroom closet for the last few weeks. New golf clubs! He was very excited. I am glad he was surprised. It had been a little tough hiding them from him. There was one day he was going to fix the light and the door in the boys' closet. Me and our 2 oldest ran upstairs and got the clubs out of the closet and into one of their beds just in time. Tom walked in as we threw a blanket over the box. It was kind of funny.
Later that day we planted our family garden. We had a lot of success last year so we decided to do it again this year, but we are trying different veggies and some fruit this time. Everyone worked together. It was a nice way to spend the day even though it was very hot. That afternoon we went to a graduation party at a park nearby. Our children had a great time! Tom and I enjoyed seeing some of our friends too. Tom had to leave early to take our oldest to his Confirmation reahearsal at our church. By the time I left the park with our other 6 children, I was exhausted and they were a mess! Still - A great day!
Sunday was Brandon's Confirmation. Again, I cried. Time goes by so fast. I can clearly remember carrying Brandon on the day he was baptized.
Confirmation went beautifully.
Brandon was one of the students to be confirmed by the Bishop. An honor and a blessing.
Tom's mom was with us.
After, we went out to eat pizza at Lou Malnati's. Yum! By the time we got home, it was time for bed. We all headed to bed.
Now today. The last day of school. Yay! I am happy not to deal with getting up early and having our children get on a bus - and having homework. I am ready for summer and (I think) ready for baby. Not much of a choice there.
Baby is coming this week! I am 39 weeks tomorrow and there is no more room in my body. Every little movement is felt and seen. It is amazing to feel a little knee / foot go across my belly.
Tomorrow is another NST and then a check.
We should know tomorrow when baby will be born. We'll be picking a day.
I am nervous and excited.
It is a little sad to think of my pregnant belly not being here anymore, but I am uncomfortable and tired of maternity clothes.
I can't wait to find out if we have another son or daughter.
I can't wait to have an itty bitty hand grab my finger.
I can't wait to see Tom hold his newest child.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

38 Weeks

"I don't divide my love between all my children - I multiply it."

NST today. Went very well.
Usually baby's heart rate is in the 120's and gets up to the 150's when baby moves. Today the heart rate was in the 140's and went as high as the 170's. Very active little one. Guess the candy bar 1 hour before was a good idea.
Doctor says I am now 75% effaced and 1 cm dialated.
I am both nervous and excited.
Last night it started to hit me - can I really do this?
I have 7 children who I love and adore.
My hormones like to put doubt in my head, but my heart knows better.
There was a time I wondered about caring for a 7th child. And now, I can't imagine my life not being blessed with Jacob.
Jacob is the sweetest 1 year old I know.
He cuddles with me, gives hugs to everyone, and kisses with such love.
Right now he is sleeping next to me.
Once in awhile he wakes up in his crib and cries or starts saying "Momma."
I get up and bring him into bed with me. He just cuddles up and falls back to sleep.
I'm not big on letting our children cry themselves to sleep.
To this day I can remember Rachel being in her crib and I came home kind of late from the grocery store. I tried to sneak upstairs to bed, but she heard the squeaky step. Her crying stopped for a moment and then I heard a very clear and very sad and hopeful "Momma?"
I went right in and got her.
I think that helps children to feel safe and secure.
I just hope that Jakey doesn't mind sharing momma. And I hope he will sleep through a newborn's crying.
At least school will be done for the year and no one will have to get up early or stay up late doing homework.
Me...Momma of 8.