Tuesday, April 26, 2011


"A parent's love is whole no matter how many times divided."

Little Baby 8 needs to be patient.
Last night was a little scary.
Tom left to go to the gym and I was at home with our 7 children.
Braxton Hicks are not new to this pregnancy, but suddenly they were coming one after another. Lots of pressure and I wasn't sure what to do.
Thankfully it was close to bed time, so my oldest 2 helped our younger ones get ready for bed and then tucked them in for me. I took our youngest to my bed along with a big glass of water. I read that if you think you're having premature contractions you should lay on your left side and drink lots of water. So that is what I did - I also prayed a lot and texted my hubby.
The contractions kept coming, but didn't get any stronger.
When Tom came home he rubbed my back until I fell asleep. He figured if I could fall asleep, the contractions went away. Which thankfully, they did. I am only 33 weeks tomorrow. Sarah was born at 33 1/2 weeks. She was ok, but it was scary and I'd rather not visit our baby in the NICU again. Visiting a newborn at the hospital and taking care of 5 other children at home was tough. I can't imagine having to do it again with 7 at home.
But I will listen to my body and make sure our baby is moving
as he/she should be.
Tom tells me that he believes that Sarah is with us because I listened and paid attention. When I felt something was wrong, I knew to go in and have our baby checked out. I promised Tom I wouldn't hesitate or second-guess myself this time either.
I think I'm pretty good at knowing what is going on and listening to the "whispers" in my head.
(Make time for the quiet moments as God whispers and the world is loud. - One of my favorite sayings.) 
Even with Jacob, I wasn't even "late" when I took a home test. I just felt like something was "different." I was going to have surgery in 2 days, so I decided to make sure that I was able to have surgery. Nope.
Today I have been drinking a lot of water and taking it easy.
Our house will have to wait for my attention - and it will.
The mess, the laundry, the clutter sits there very patiently for me.

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