Tuesday, November 16, 2010

School Support

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own."

This morning my husband and I went to our 8 yr old son's school for an IEP meeting. I am so thankful for the support he has at his school. Everyone was so wonderful at the meeting. We all agreed that Noah still needs some help at school, but now it is focused more on his "tic disorder" not his academic work. Noah is a very bright little boy who has a lot of energy and has some difficulty focusing on his work when he is having tics. I am so happy with how the meeting went. I know that he is surrounded by people who really care about him and want to see him succeed.
Tomorrow I go back to my OB to see if we can hear our baby's heartbeat. If not, I will go in for an ultrasound. I felt very sick and tired yesterday and took it as a good sign. I still made it to Eucharistic Adoration last night to spend some quiet time in prayer. I have to have faith that all will be ok.
I read on a "baby" site a post by a woman that really got me thinking. She wondered why a couple would continue to have babies when they were worried about being able to afford Christmas presents for the children they already had. I was surprised by that statement. Christmas should be about Jesus and family before it is about toys. She said something like - sorry kids we decided to have another child rather than getting you more gifts. Somehow, in her mind that made the couple heartless. I know presents are a big deal to children on Christmas morning, but I hope our children always understand the importance of life and family over any object. Hopefully they would choose their sibling over a new video game or Barbie :o)
For our family, Tom and I save a little out of each of his paychecks through the year and put it in a separate Christmas account. Then our children get 3 gifts each - the same number Jesus received when he was born.
When we were expecting Jacob, he was our "pickle gift" to our children. That is how we told them we were pregnant. And to this day, our children still talk about the best present they ever got on Christmas - the news that there was going to be another brother or sister.
I don't think I can wait until Christmas this time. This child might have to be our "What we're thankful for" news at Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. Found you on Catholic Moms' blog. We do the the "three gifts" for Christmas thing too!!

    Follow me back at www.kissingtheleper.com

  2. It helps us to keep the gifts under control :o)
