Saturday, February 20, 2010


"I will go with you, I will give you rest, everything will be fine for you."

On Monday I went to Eucharistic Adoration. I love going to my church. It is so beautiful and so welcoming. I feel a lot of comfort when I am there. For EA, I usually sit, pray, and cry. It's a good cry. There was a speaker once at our church who talked about imagining Jesus sitting next to you when you pray. He had us close our eyes and picture Jesus there with us. I did. It changed the way I feel when I am praying. Instead of focusing above me, I see Jesus sitting next to me, bowing his head, and just listening.
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. Again I went to my church. Tom went straight from work - our children and I met him there. It was crowded! I wanted to leave our home early, but my children weren't going to let that happen. On our way to church, which is right across the street, we sat in a line of cars. At first, I felt myself get a little frustrated -- then I thought, no this is good. So many people were going to mass and getting their ashes. This was a good thing. I'm sure many choose to skip. And I hoped Tom was inside saving an entire pew for us - though, that's never a fun thing to do. He was.
One thing we noticed during mass, while everyone was going up for ashes and then communion, our son E, was getting a lot of waves and smiles from girls he knows. Hmmm...We were all kind of teasing him about it. He just smiled. Sweet.
Friday night Tom and I got together with our Couples Bible Study. We took Jacob (6 months old!)while Brandon babysat the rest of our children. This was a social gathering. Lots of fun. We ate, we drank, we discussed a few issues, and then it was men vs women in Pictionary! So much fun, lots of laughing. I had a bit of a flashback. I used to go with my parents to their CFM meetings when I was a child. And here I was at my own adult church-group meeting. Who would have thought?
Today I went to church again. It was for a Womens Enrichment Day. It was really nice. I was surrounded by many friends. Great witnesses were shared. Reconciliation was offered. Yummy food was served. It was a wonderful day focused on me, my faith, and my relationship with God. My friend gave one of the witnesses. (Great job honey!) She had me design a magnet to be passed out. I put a few together and she chose one that had a photo on it that I took and the quote at the beginning of this blog. It's something I love to do and I was so touched she asked me to do it for her. I hope to do it some more for others someday.
This week my husband is taking a week off to help me take care of a few things around our home. Lots to do around here. Our back door has been waiting for trim for 1 and 1/2 years! I am also having a friend over for brunch. She is the mother of Carter that I have mentioned before. Carter's little brother is going to come over and meet me and a couple of my children, while hopefully finding comfort in my home.
I was thinking of a time when Brandon was 4 years old. We were at a preschool PTA family get-together. There was a little girl there that we didn't know. She had cancer and had no hair from the chemo. She was sitting all by herself, looking sadly at all the other kids running around playing. She got a lot of stares, but no invites to come play. Then Brandon saw her. He approached her. The first thing he did was ask her why she didn't have hair. She explained to him why and Brandon replied with "Oh. Wanna play?" She smiled and the two of them were inseparable the rest of the evening. When it was time for Brandon's newest friend to leave, he came up to me. He asked me if I would mind giving him the bracelet he had made me at the craft table back. I said ok and handed it to him. He smiled, said thanks, and ran over to give this little girl the bracelet as a gift. Brandon has always been very kind.
All of my children would love to get together with Carter. I'm sure they will someday soon, especially once the weather is nice again. They are excited to have his little brother over. I always want our family and our home to be very welcoming and comfortable to others. You know, that is how I described my relationship with church and God today. I shared that I feel very welcomed when I walk into my (our) church and I feel much comfort when I am there praying. Church feels like home.

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