Monday, June 22, 2009


"You think my hands are full -- you should see my heart."

I love this saying. I have a jacket that says this and I wear it proudly.
My husband and I have 6 beautiful children and are expecting our 7th in August. I get all kinds of reactions when I am out and I'm asked if this is my first child and I tell them it is my 7th. Or when I'm out with my youngest 3 (all girls) and asked if I'm hoping for a boy this time and I tell them I already have 3 boys. Yes, this is our little tie-breaker. The one that also overfills our van. My husband tells me if the biggest challenge we face with having another child is me learning how to park a full size van, then all is good :o)
Yesterday, we dropped our oldest off at camp. He goes to a Tourette Syndrome camp that is amazing. He is 13 years old and is hoping to be a Jr. Counselor next summer at this camp. Brandon is very artisitc and has a wonderful sense of humor.
Our 2nd child is 10 and loves to play baseball. Ethan has his second playoff game tonight. Go Tigers! Our 3rd is Noah. He is 7 and is full of energy. Number 4 is our oldest girl. She is 6 and is a girlie-girl. Rachel is really into gymnastics and loves to sing. Leah is our 5th child and is 3 yrs old. She is the one I named my blog after. She is our bright blonde hair child and we call her a squirrel because she loves to collect things. She loves purses and will fill them up with everything she can find. If you're missing something - chances are Leah has stashed it somewhere. Sarah is our youngest. She will be 2 in August when our 7th is due. Sarah was 6 1/2 weeks early. It was a very scary time, but she did beautifully and was able to come home when she was only 12 days old and only 4 lbs. She is now keeping up with her siblings and having fun. She always has a sweet smile on.
So now we are expecting our 7th and I thought I'd start blogging. I'm so excited to meet this little one. I started having some Braxton Hicks yesterday and have had a few today. I think it hasn't really hit me that we're having another one until this "false labor" started. We didn't plan to have another child, but I now see how God had this all planned. A year ago I was having some medical issues and was on medication that my doctor warned me would not be good for a baby. Long story short...I traveled and got more opinions and prayed a lot. I bought a prayer card that had a nice prayer about asking God to heal my body and I would do my best to live more for Him. Well, after having more tests done, I was told I was misdiagnosed and taken off all meds. I then went to another doctor to have my legs "fixed" (veins not holding up too well with pregnancies) and had the date for surgery set. Two days before surgery I just felt the need to take a home pregnancy test. I didn't tell anyone - I wasn't even late yet. Well, I came out of the bathroom shaking and crying and told my husband. We were both very surprised and honestly, a little scared. But here we are and I couldn't be happier.

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